General Studies, Film Pathway

Associate of Arts

The Associate of Arts in General Studies with a Film Pathway allows qualified students to complete their certification from the Georgia Film Academy and earn the associate's level credential from Dalton State at the same time. All courses in Area F are taken at the Georgia Film Academy facilities in the Atlanta Metropolitan area. Students may begin their courses at GFA after finishing 30 hours of college credit, which includes dual enrolled and transfer credit, and achieving a 2.5 GPA. Georgia Film Academy courses (three six-hour courses) can be completed in two semesters and are taught in the summers as well. For further questions, contact Dr. Barbara Tucker at


Click here to view Core IMPACTS General Education Curriculum requirements.

Program Advice (can share with CORE curriculum):
ENGL 2201Intro to Film as Literature (Recommended for Arts, Humanities, & Ethics elective)3

 Click here to view Core IMPACTS General Education Curriculum requirements.

Core IMPACTS General Education Curriculum requirements42
NOTE: Core IMPACTS courses can also satisfy requirements in your Program of Study. Please review the requirements for your major to prevent taking extra courses. The USG Core IMPACTS curriculum is designed to ensure that students acquire essential knowledge in foundational academic areas and develop career-ready competencies. There are seven Core IMPACTS areas. Students at all USG institutions must meet the Core IMPACTS requirements in all specified areas.
Field of Study: Major Related
GFA 1000Intr to On-Set Film Production6
or GFA 1040 Intr Film & TV Post-Prodcution
or GFA 1500 Digital Ent, Esports&Game Dev.
GFA Craft Courses chosen in consultation with advisor depending upon GFA 1000-level course chosen.12
GA Film & TV Prod Internship
GFA Set Construction & Paint
GFA Lighting & Electric
Grip & Rigging
Edit w/Avid Media Composer 100
Special Effects Make-Up
GFA Production Accounting
Intro to Film & TV Costumes
Intro. to the Camera Dept.
Production Crew Externship
Fundamentals of Unreal Engine
Sound Design/Avid Media Compos
Event Mgmt Digit Ent & Esports
Host&Casting Digit Ent&Esports
Total Hours60


GFA 1000. Intr to On-Set Film Production. 6-0-6 Units.

This course is the first of an 18-credit hour certificate program which will provide an introduction to the skills used in on-set film production, including all forms of narrative media which utilize film-industry standard organizational structure, professional equipment and on- set procedures. In addition to the use of topical lectures, PowerPoint presentations, videos and hand-outs, the course will include demonstrations of equipment and set operations as well as hands-on learning experiences. Students will learn: film production organizational structure, job descriptions and duties in various film craft areas, names, uses and protocols related to various pieces of professional on-set film equipment. Students will also learn, through lecture and exercises, how the various film craft relate to one-another on a working set, as well as how and why they all must operate in sync. In addition, students will learn skills related to networking and self-marketing.
Prerequisites: 2.5 GPA and completion of at least 25 hours of credit at Dalton State College (dual enrollment courses may count).

GFA 1040. Intr Film & TV Post-Prodcution. 6-0-6 Units.

This course is the first of an 18-credit hour certification in “Film & Television Post-Production.” Students will operate various professional non-linear editing (NLE) systems, with a focus on practical skills and essential knowledge of editing, including file management, footage logs, timecodes, proxies, edit decision lists (EDLs), synchronization, transitions, simple effects, basic audio mixing and file exports. Additionally, students will explore the terminology, department hierarchy, history and theory of editing and sound design through topics such as continuity style, montage, juxtaposition of images, development of sound design, and linear and flat-bed editing. Students will also develop an understanding and awareness of current post-production industry standards and workflow practices. This course is the prerequisite for ALL other GFA courses in the “Film & Television Post-Production” Certification Pathway. Prerequisites: None

GFA 1500. Digital Ent, Esports&Game Dev.. 6-0-6 Units.

This course is the first of an 18-credit hour certification in "Digital Entertainment, Esports, & Game Development" and provides students with basic skills related to digital media, Esports, and game development in addition to exposure to the numerous career paths and opportunities within these industries. The course is offered in collaboration with Skillshot Media.

GFA 2000. GA Film & TV Prod Internship. 6-0-6 Units.

Upon successful completion of GFA 1000: GFA Introduction to On-Set Film Production and one GFA specialty craft course, the GFA Film & Television Production Internship course is a 6 hour option as part of the 18 credit hours needed for the Georgia Film Academy (GFA) Certification Program. The course is designed to provide students with a basic level of on-set film production skills, knowledge and experience with film-industry standards, organizational structure, professional equipment and on-set procedures by giving students hands-on experience on the sets and offices of working film productions and businesses. Students will also have an opportunity to network and to build resumes in order to help market themselves with the intention of integrating into the film industry as entry-level workers. This course is by application only.

GFA 2010. GFA Set Construction & Paint. 6-0-6 Units.

This course is designed to equip students with entry-level skills and knowledge of set construction for the film and television industry. Students will participate in goal-oriented class projects including mood-boards, drafting, reading blueprints, architectural models, set safety, use of power tools, carpentry and scenic paint. Students will ultimately work on a final project that will give them hands on experience from concept to completion, solving real world problems with the skills they learn. A large emphasis will be placed on set etiquette, including but not limited to, attitude, professionalism and technique on and off set.
Prerequisites: GFA 1000 Introduction to Film & Television Production.

GFA 2020. GFA Lighting & Electric. 6-0-6 Units.

This course is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge of electrical distribution and set lighting on a motion picture or episodic television set in order to facilitate their entry and advancement in the film business. Students will participate in goal oriented class projects including power distribution, set protocol and etiquette, properly setting lamps, department lingo, how to light a set to feature film standards, motion picture photography, etc. Upon completion of this course, the student will have a very solid and broad base of knowledge that includes, but is not limited to, the equipment, techniques, communications, specifications, etc. used in the set lighting department. The student will also have a virtually complete understanding of the behavior of light and how to manipulate and control it to feature film standards.
Prerequisites: GFA 1000 Introduction to Film & Television Production.

GFA 2030. Grip & Rigging. 6-0-6 Units.

Grip and Rigging is an introduction and orientation to the practice of rigging and supporting grip equipment, cameras, vehicles and other physical/mechanical devices. This class is designed to move cameras from beyond sticks and lights from beyond stands. In addition to a gaining a thorough knowledge of the equipment used in grip and rigging, students will engage in on-set exercises in inventory, maintenance, set-up, trouble-shooting, teamwork, set protocol and safety. The purpose of this course is to prepare students to work on a motion picture production set. As such, student responsibilities are matched to potential responsibilities as a team member on a production set as closely as possible.
Prerequisites: GFA 1000 Introduction to Film & Television Production.

GFA 2040. Edit w/Avid Media Composer 100. 6-0-6 Units.

This course is designed to certify students with Avid Media Composer User Certification. This certification is recognized world-wide as the industry standard for assistant editors in feature films and broadcast television. This course will equip students with a unique skillset and knowledge of industry standard digital imaging, editorial process and story forging on both motion picture or episodic nonlinear productions. At the end of the course, the students will be qualified to advance a career in entertainment post production of film and television. Successful completion of the coursework will award students Avid Media Composer Certified User 100 certification and qualify them to work as an assistant editor in feature films and episodic television. Students will learn “Avid Media Composer” post production processes and best practices, industry standard department lingo, image processing, basic visual effects, and color grading as well as “Digital Imaging Technician (DIT)” workflows. A large emphasis will be placed on the technical aspects of the industry standard editing tools, as well as attitude, professionalism and technique in and out of the edit room. Students will certify as an Avid Media Composer User upon passing Avid’s certification exam.

GFA 2050. Special Effects Make-Up. 6-0-6 Units.

This course is designed to educate students with entry-level skills and knowledge in practical Special Effects (SFX) Make Up for the film and television industry. Students will participate in goal-oriented class projects including fabrication, material safety, use casting materials, professional make-up, sculpting, airbrushing, and design. A large emphasis will be placed on set etiquette including, but not limited to, attitude, professionalism and technique on and off set.

GFA 2060. GFA Production Accounting. 6-0-6 Units.

This course is designed to give students a broad understanding of Production Accounting and related production concepts. Students will learn the fundamentals of Production Accounting for the entertainment industry, including how to manage the finances on a production and maintain accurate records. This course will explain the relationship between the production accounting department, the producers, the production office and set. Practical experience will be created by the use of industry standard software.
Prerequisites: GFA 1000.

GFA 2070. Intro to Film & TV Costumes. 6-0-6 Units.

Introduction to Film & Television Costumes equips students with industry-standard, fundamental knowledge and essential entry-level skills in costuming and wardrobe to facilitate their entry and advancement in film and television production.

GFA 2080. Intro. to the Camera Dept.. 6-0-6 Units.

Introduction to the Camera Department equips students with the practical skills and knowledge of camera gear and job functions on a motion picture or episodic television set to facilitate their entry and advancement in the film business.

GFA 2100. Production Crew Externship. 6-0-6 Units.

Production Crew Externship provides students with career development through experiential learning in film and television production by supporting graduate candidates as crew on their thesis films, for the duration of their film. The course is offered in cooperation with GFC graduate partner institutions. Externship students will also research best practices and have a thorough understanding of industry safety procedures.
Prerequisites: GFA introductory course AND 1 GFA Production specialty craft course.

GFA 2140. Sound Design/Avid Media Compos. 6-0-6 Units.

The tools and techniques of post-production sound design are presented through lecture, demonstration, and hands-on exercises. The foundation of the curriculum is the industry-standard Avid Pro Tools Certified Training in the most recent Fundamentals 1 (PT101) and Fundamentals 2 (PT110) courses. Avid’s certification training is supplemented with academic curriculum, including but not limited to: an historical overview of the sound design process and tools; current processes, procedures and terminology; project organization; audio sample rates and file types; audio manipulation; and introductory troubleshooting. Technical operations are covered, including: creating sessions; recording and importing audio and MIDI; multi-track recordings of live audio; editing session media; MIDI sequences and virtual instruments; navigating sessions and arranging media on tracks; and using basic processing and mixing techniques to finalize a production. Prerequisite: GFA 1040 Introduction to Film & Television Post-Production

GFA 2310. Fundamentals of Unreal Engine. 6-0-6 Units.

GFA 2510. Event Mgmt Digit Ent & Esports. 6-0-6 Units.

Event Management for Digital Entertainment & Esports focuses on the technical production knowledge and skills required for professional positions in the live digital entertainment and Esports events industry. Students will demonstrate learned skills through practical application exercises, culminating in a final class project. This course is designed to equip students with entry-level skills and knowledge in digital entertainment and Esports events production, including tournament operation and administration, event management, talent management, live broadcast (aka “streaming”), on-air personality skills, social and community management, and post-production. With an emphasis on practical application, students have the opportunity to gain experience in the technical and production roles. Students will have access to industry-standard software and equipment to gain a working familiarity with these tools, taught in a professional live digital entertainment and Esports production facility.

GFA 2520. Host&Casting Digit Ent&Esports. 3-0-3 Units.

Hosting & Casting for Digital Entertainment & Esports provides students with the knowledge and practical skills required of a professional live-casting and hosting talent. Students will study live-casting for Digital Entertainment and Esports of various genres, and hosting for interviews and analyst desks. This course is designed to equip students with entry-level skills and knowledge of hosting and live-casting for Digital Entertainment and Esports. Students will develop techniques for on-camera and public speaking scenarios. Topics will include play-by-play casting, analyst desk hosting, breath and tone control, pickups and drops, and interviewing. Students will study the appropriate style and tone for various genres of Digital Entertainment and Esports casting as they create an industry-standard demo reel.

GFA 3010. Production Design I. 6-0-6 Units.

This course is designed to examine the process of Production Design as it relates to the film and television industry. Students will work on an assigned project from concept to completion, solving real-world challenges with the skills they have learned in class. Assigned projects are a hands-on experience that will allow students to demonstrate practical design and construction skills. In-person activities include power tool usage, carpentry, scenic paint techniques, and design work utilizing Vectorworks Student Software. Other topics include research, moodboards, drafting, reading blueprints, architectural models, safety procedures, budgeting and scheduling. Students will be given assigned readings and/or video lessons from available web resources and periodicals. Prerequisite: GFA 1000 Introduction to Film & Television Production

GFA 3020. Motion Picture Set Lighting I. 6-0-6 Units.

Students will participate in goal-oriented class projects as a practical demonstration of the topics covered in lectures and assignments. Topics include power distribution, set protocol and etiquette, properly setting lamps, and essential lighting techniques for feature film standards. Additional topics include theoretical and critical concepts of lighting design. Upon completion of this course, the student will have a fundamental knowledge that includes, but is not limited to, the equipment, techniques, procedures, terminology, communications, specifications and hierarchical structure in the professional set lighting department. An emphasis will be placed on set etiquette, including but not limited to, attitude, professionalism and technique on and off set. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the behavior of light and how to manipulate and control it to feature film standards. Additionally, students will create lighting designs and plots at a professional standard. Prerequisite: GFA 1000 Introduction to Film & Television Production

GFA 3030. Motion Picture Gripping. 6-0-6 Units.

Students will develop skills in expressive rigging and inventory management and gain an in-depth knowledge of motion picture grip equipment and its usage. An emphasis will be placed on teamwork and departmental hierarchy as it relates to both interpreting artistic goals and executing the creative vision of the production. These competencies will enable the student to enter the department with an eye towards career mobility. Additionally, students will leave the class with a deeper understanding of the safety concerns of not just the grip department, but the motion picture set at large.

GFA 3040. Edit w/ Avid Media Composer. 6-0-6 Units.

The theory and practices of film and television editing are presented through lecture, demonstration, and hands-on exercises. The curriculum is designed to incorporate the industry-standard Avid Media Composer Certified Training in the most recent Fundamentals 1 (MC101) and Fundamentals 2 (MC110) courses. Avid’s certification training is supplemented with academic curriculum, including but not limited to: an historical overview of the editing process and tools; current processes, procedures and terminology; project organization; digital file codecs and audio sample rates; an introduction to concepts and tools of color grading; and introductory troubleshooting. Technical operations are covered, including ingesting footage, preparation of dailies, media management, picture editing, audio mixing, audio effects, visual effects, color correction, and digital file delivery. Prerequisite: GFA 1040 Introduction to Film & Television Post-Production

GFA 3060. Prod. Mngt. & Film Accounting. 6-0-6 Units.

Production Management & Film Accounting provides students with a broad base of knowledge of the processes, protocols, paperwork and computer programs utilized within the Production Accounting and Production Office departments in the film and television industry, focusing on the knowledge, practical skills and work routines required for entry-level jobs. Students will also gain a fundamental understanding of budget and scheduling procedures and an introduction to software platforms utilized for production.
Prerequisites: GFA 1000.

GFA 3070. Film & TV Costumes & Wardrobe. 6-0-6 Units.

Film & Television Costumes and Wardrobe equips students with industry-standard, fundamental knowledge and essential entry-level skills in costuming and wardrobe to facilitate their entry and advancement in film and television production. Special emphasis is placed on design inspiration and construction techniques.

GFA 3080. The Camera Dept for Film & TV. 6-0-6 Units.

The Camera Department for Film and Television equips students with the practical skills and knowledge of camera gear and job functions on a motion picture or episodic television set to facilitate their entry and advancement in the film business. A fundamental understanding of the pre-production process for a Director of Photography will be developed and students will learn how to film and transition smoothly in a multi-scene production while defending their shot choices.

GFA 3140. Sound Design Avid Pro Tool 100. 6-0-6 Units.

This course is designed to certify and equip students with a unique skillset and knowledge of the Digital Audio editorial process in order to facilitate their entry and advancement in the entertainment post production industry. Students will have the opportunity to certify as an “Avid Technology ProTools User.” More specifically, students learn and may certify in industry best practices for the digital audio process within an industry standard sound department. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be ready to enter the film industry as a working digital audio technician and/or assistant digital audio technician. The student will have the opportunity to achieve globally recognized certification in Avid ProTools 100 level curriculum. Upon completion, students will have a broad base of knowledge that will allow him/her to integrate with a digital audio team from the first day. This knowledge includes, but is not limited to, the equipment, techniques, communications, specifications, etc. used in the digital audio department.

GFA 3310. Introduction to Unreal Engine. 6-0-6 Units.

GFA 3510. Digital Ent&Esports Event Desi. 6-0-6 Units.

Digital Entertainment and Esports Event Design provides the specialized skills and insight needed for the creation of live digital entertainment and Esports events, including the necessary steps to propose, plan, produce, and market a professional event. Students will demonstrate learned skills through practical application exercises, culminating in a final class project. This course focuses on the advanced study and practice of digital entertainment and Esports events production, including tournament operation and administration, event management, talent management, live broadcast (aka “streaming”), on-air personality skills, social and community management, and post-production. With an emphasis on practical application, students have the opportunity to gain experience in these roles. Students will have access to industry-standard software and equipment to gain a working familiarity with these tools, taught in a professional live digital entertainment and Esports production facility.

GFA 3520. Digital Ent&Esport & Game Dev. 6-0-6 Units.

Digital Entertainment & Esports Creative Development provides students with the knowledge and practical skills required of a professional live-casting and hosting talent, as well as the theoretical context for various performances. Students will study live-casting for Digital Entertainment and Esports of various genres, and hosting for interviews and analyst desks, while developing skills for career advancement in the field. This course is designed to examine the process and techniques of professional hosting and livecasting for Digital Entertainment and Esports. Students will develop techniques for on-camera and public speaking scenarios by creating content specific to the industry. Topics will include play-by-play casting, analyst desk hosting, breath and tone control, pickups and drops, and interviewing. Additionally, students will explore the self-analysis process. Within the context of performance and broadcast theory, students will apply the appropriate style and tone for various genres of Digital Entertainment and Esports casting as they create an industry-standard demo reel.

GFA 4000. TV & Digital Ent Apprenticeshi. 6-0-6 Units.

Students develop the practical skills and fundamental knowledge for entry-level job positions in professional film and television productions or esports and game development industries through hands-on experience when placed in a dedicated craft-specific apprenticeship. The apprenticeship placement will be in conjunction with the student’s certification pathway: “Film & Television Production,” “Film & Television Post-Production,” or “Digital Entertainment, Esports & Game Development.” Students document their acquired knowledge through journals and reports. The course emphasizes career development through networking opportunities, guest speakers, creation of resumes and portfolios, OSHA-certified safety training, career research, and job search techniques in required asynchronous weekly lessons that include required readings, written assignments, tests and other individual activities.
Prerequisites: GFA 1000 Introduction to Film & Television Production OR GFA 1040 Introduction to Film & Television Post-Production OR GFA 1500 Introduction to Digital Entertainment, Esports & Game Development; AND at least one other GFA Specialty Craft Course in chosen Certification Pathway.

GFA 4010. Production Design II. 6-0-6 Units.

Production Design II equips students with advanced skills and knowledge of the creative, technical and logistical processes of the Art Department, focusing on the design and construction of sets, props and effects to professional standards. Students will assume key roles as crew members in completing the pre-production and production workflows within the art department. Working from assigned scripts, students complete and present concept art, moodboards, architectural drawings, and then manage logistics of building all sets, props and effects for that production. In-person activities include carpentry, scenic painting, budgeting, scheduling and design work utilizing Vectorworks Student Software. Students will implement their roles as crew members of the art department and develop working relationships with other crew members throughout the phases of production. Upon completion of the course, students will have a camera-ready and fully dressed set suitable for filming.(Pre-requisite: GFA 2010 or GFA 3010)

GFA 4020. Motion Picture Set Lighting II. 6-0-6 Units.

Motion Picture Set Lighting II equips students with the advanced skills and knowledge of set lighting on a motion picture or episodic television set for development of long-term careers. This course will focus on the design, planning and practical execution of lighting scenarios to a professional standard for sets and locations. Students will participate in goal-oriented class projects including lighting plots, location scouting, various stage and location sets, managing a crew, achieving proper exposure for camera settings, and aesthetic stylization. Specific focus is given to design and execution of lighting in common production scenarios. An emphasis will be placed on set etiquette including, but not limited to, participation in exercises, attitude, professionalism and technique on and off set. Students will develop a thorough understanding of the behavior of light and how to manipulate and control it to feature film standards. Students will benefit from the experience of having prepared different types of locations. The course will provide the opportunity to rig and light the most common situations a set lighting crew faces – day exteriors, day interiors, night exteriors, night interiors, on stage and on location.(Pre-requisite: GFA 2020 or GFA 3020)

GFA 4040. Adv Edit w/Avid Media Comp200. 6-0-6 Units.

Students who successfully complete this course and pass the embedded AVID Media Composer Professional Editing 1 (MC 200) and Media Composer Professional Editing II (MC 210) exams will earn the industry post production credential of “Avid Certified Professional in Media Composer.” With the step-by-step guidance from an Avid Certified Professional Instructor in this course, students will learn the skills needed to optimize editing workflows, streamline and ingest process and manage media. Students will learn advanced picture editing techniques, how to quickly prepare for multi-cam editing and how to work with graphics and mattes. This course also covers compositing with the 3D Warp effect, color correction and an in-depth look at some of the wide range of audio tools and effects included in Media Composer. Focusing on real world workflows, Media Composer Professional Editing takes students to a new and higher level of editing, providing an in-depth knowledge to distinguish as industry recognized, true editing professional.

GFA 4100. Production Crew Practicum. 0-6-6 Units.

Students will develop the practical skills and fundamental knowledge for entry-level job positions in professional film and television through hands-on experience when placed in a dedicated craft-specific Practicum under the direction of a graduate thesis candidate.Students document their acquired knowledge through journals and reports. The course emphasizes career development through student-specific, on-the-job training and in required weekly lessons that include instructor-led resume and interview training sessions. Because of the compressed and sometimes unusual scheduling nature of film productions, students must have flexibility in their own schedules to be able to work on these projects. A student must commit to working, as scheduled, the full term of the project and must follow all professional standards. Note: the thesis films are most likely shot on multiple weekends (Friday-Sunday) over the course of the semester. Production will either occur at Trilith Studios or within a 30-mile radius of Trilith (studio zone) on location; transportation to and from location shoots within this zone are the responsibility of the student. Students who cannot meet those standards will not be permitted to continue on the project. It is expected and required that all 4100 students are present on set and willing to provide hands-on labor.
Prerequisites: GFA 1000 and one of the following, GFA 2010, 2020, 2030, 2050, 2060, 3010 or 3020.

GFA 4140. Adv Sound Dsgn w/Avid Comp200. 6-0-6 Units.

Advanced Sound Design with Avid Pro Tools 200 is a skills-based course to further develop the tools and techniques of post-production sound design for advanced careers in sound editing. Students participate in creative, narrative sound design projects to demonstrate proficiency in post-production sound design theory and practice. During the course, students have the opportunity to certify as an advanced Avid Pro Tools Certified Professional. The theory and practices of film and television sound design are presented through lecture, demonstration, and hands-on exercises. The curriculum is designed to incorporate the industry-standard Avid Pro Tools Certified Training in the most recent Production 1 (PT201) and Production 2 (PT210) courses. Avid’s certification training is supplemented with academic curriculum, including but not limited to: an historical immersion in the sound design process and tools; current processes, procedures and terminology; project development; file interchanges; multitrack mixing; and program automation. Technical operations are covered, including: optimizing and configuring sessions; managing audio and video media; editing and processing of audio; plug-in automation; requirements of various destination platforms; and exporting deliverables to finalize a production. Upon successful completion of this course, students will demonstrate the skills needed for advancing careers in film and television post-production. Emphasis will be placed on understanding industry standards and employer expectations for professional film and television post-production. Rigorous study of the PT201 and PT210 books, combined with hands-on practice, in and outside of class, will greatly aid in successfully passing Avid’s two certification exams. While Avid certification is not required for successful completion of the course, passing the two certification exams will earn the student the credential of Avid Pro Tools Certified Professional, recognized worldwide as an industry standard for sound editors in feature film and broadcast television.(Pre-requisite: GFA 2140 or GFA 3140)